Dean Sound and DLS Installations
Live Audio Solutions
for Northwest Ohio
(419) 421-9543

Laugh and Cry in a Single Sound

Sure, quoting Bruce to make a point is a cheap shot, but there's no flattery like mimicry. We believe that there's simply no expression like music in its ability to convey more than one emotion at a time, and to convey many different things to many different people at once. If we have a mantra for our business, it's that. The way we deliver that in a sound business, in addition to our acts of service, is by having a wide range of equipment and rentals that fit many needs for many people.
We focus on delivering reliable quality over sheen on the bezel or trendy tech. When technology makes a leap people can discern, we add shiny new equipment that will continue to bring tears of joy to eyes and the stab of lost love to hearts with the clean shimmering twang of an acoustic guitar, or the clear mournful cry of a first violin.
Our specialties include wireless mic rentals services that flex with the level of service you need, but you can rent any of our gear with or without service. We offer three levels of service:

If you're already comfortable with mics and sound and just need some extra gear, we're happy to rent ready-to-use mic systems that you pick up.

If you need a bit of help, we can deliver and connect to your sound system while we provide some basic training for someone at your venue who will operate them.

If you're not familiar with the process, or simply want our experts to ensure that your event is audible from every seat in the house, we can deliver, set up, and mix the show for you.

We handle a number of yearly theatrical and musical performances for high schools and universities, and you'll find that we're a fixture in many of Northwest Ohio's symphonies, community theaters, and special events.


  • AKG C450
  • CAD E100
  • EV 608
  • Neumann KM184
  • SE7
  • SE8
  • Sennheiser 604
  • Shure KSM32
  • Shure SM58
  • Shure SM57
  • Shure SM81
  • Shure PG81

Shure Wireless w/ Wireless Workbench 6 Processing

  • ULXD Combos
  • QLXD Combos
  • SLX Combos
  • ULXS Combos
  • TQG Headworn
  • WL84
  • WL85
  • WL93

AKG / MM Wireless Microphones

  • 417
  • 470
  • 4500
  • MM PSM Earmics


  • JBL VT4886 Line Array
  • JBL VTX A8 Line Array
  • JBL 4888 Line Array
  • VUE AL4 Line Array
  • McCauley EA622-2 Point Source Long Throw
  • dB Technologies S30N Active Subwoofers
  • ISP Single 18" Active Subwoofers
  • JBL 4852 Double 15" Subwoofers
  • JBL VTX B28 Subwoofers
  • RCF Double 21" Subwoofers
  • RCF NX Series Active Wedge Monitors
  • McCauley Bi-amped Wedge Monitors
  • Bose MA12
  • Bose 802III Speakers
  • Bose 402II Speakers


  • iTech 3500X4
  • iTech HD12000
  • MA3600
  • MA2406
  • MA2402
  • MA1200

Vue and Carver

  • VUE al
  • Carver PM1200
  • Carver PM300

  • CM One Ton Motor
  • CM Quarter Ton Motor
  • Genie ST24 Tower

  • Delta 200 Amp
  • JDX 100 Amp
  • DS 100 Amp
  • 4 ought, 2 ought, #4 feeder


  • Vi
  • Si
  • Ui24s

Avid, Midas, Yamaha

  • Avid SC48s
  • Yamaha

© 2022-2024 Dean Sound, LLC & DLS Installations