Dean Sound and DLS Installations
Live Audio Solutions
for Northwest Ohio
(419) 421-9543

The Deans behind Dean Sound

Jeff and his wife Jill are proud of their family business. You'll find their sons Josh and Jordan working side-by-side behind the boards and flying speakers with Jeff, and daughter Jenalee tucked away behind a computer keeping things in order on either side of events. They work together to take care of the business, three grandkids, somewhere between a few and a few too many dogs (if there is such a thing), and all the stuff in between.

Dean Sound and DLS Installations are proud to be a part of our community and yours, by crafting exceptional event and venue experiences with clean, clear, and coherent sound you can count on every time, and by giving back money, time, and talent.

In addition to regular donations to local food banks, non-profits, and community events, Jeff often hosts astronomy nights (and days, when there's an eclipse!) to share his love of teaching and science.